1. | Book1 | 24/21 13/11 | eq: -0.2731 |
| Player: Opponent: | 43.69% (G:10.82% B:0.44%) 56.31% (G:15.87% B:0.81%) | Conf.: ±0.0013 (-0.2744...-0.2718) - [99.1%] |
2. | Book1 | 24/21 6/4 | eq: -0.2754 (-0.0023) |
| Player: Opponent: | 43.92% (G:10.83% B:0.46%) 56.08% (G:16.92% B:0.92%) | Conf.: ±0.0014 (-0.2768...-0.2740) - [0.9%] |
3. | Book1 | 24/22 13/10 | eq: -0.2762 (-0.0031) |
| Player: Opponent: | 43.38% (G:10.52% B:0.41%) 56.62% (G:15.34% B:0.70%) | Conf.: ±0.0013 (-0.2775...-0.2749) - [0.0%] |
4. | Book1 | 24/22 24/21 | eq: -0.2763 (-0.0032) |
| Player: Opponent: | 43.40% (G:9.74% B:0.39%) 56.60% (G:14.82% B:0.59%) | Conf.: ±0.0013 (-0.2775...-0.2750) - [0.0%] |
5. | Book1 | 13/10 6/4 | eq: -0.2887 (-0.0156) |
| Player: Opponent: | 43.56% (G:10.88% B:0.44%) 56.44% (G:16.53% B:1.11%) | Conf.: ±0.0014 (-0.2901...-0.2873) - [0.0%] |
6. | Book2 | 6/1* | eq: -0.2889 (-0.0159) |
| Player: Opponent: | 42.87% (G:11.53% B:0.38%) 57.13% (G:15.62% B:0.88%) | Conf.: ±0.0024 (-0.2913...-0.2866) - [0.0%] |
7. | Book3 | 13/8 | eq: -0.2940 (-0.0209) |
| Player: Opponent: | 42.98% (G:10.66% B:0.41%) 57.02% (G:15.51% B:0.75%) | Conf.: ±0.0032 (-0.2971...-0.2908) - [0.0%] |
8. | Book3 | 13/11 8/5 | eq: -0.3014 (-0.0283) |
| Player: Opponent: | 43.17% (G:11.51% B:0.45%) 56.83% (G:17.02% B:1.15%) | Conf.: ±0.0034 (-0.3049...-0.2980) - [0.0%] |
9. | Book4 | 24/22 8/5 | eq: -0.3193 (-0.0462) |
| Player: Opponent: | 42.41% (G:10.48% B:0.41%) 57.59% (G:16.38% B:0.78%) | Conf.: ±0.0058 (-0.3251...-0.3136) - [0.0%] |
10. | Book4 | 24/22 6/3 | eq: -0.3202 (-0.0471) |
| Player: Opponent: | 42.43% (G:10.35% B:0.40%) 57.57% (G:16.22% B:0.75%) | Conf.: ±0.0053 (-0.3255...-0.3149) - [0.0%] |
1 Generated by Christopher Yep on 5/3/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 186624 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 31206198 Moves and cube decisions: 3-ply
2 Generated by David Rockwell on 1/28/2013 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 62208 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 62191300 Moves and cube decisions: 3-ply
3 Generated by David Rockwell on 1/28/2013 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 31104 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 62191300 Moves and cube decisions: 3-ply
4 Generated by Christopher Yep on 5/3/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 10368 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 31206198 Moves and cube decisions: 3-ply