1. | Book1 | 13/11(2) 6/4(2) | eq: +0.1983 |
| Player: Opponent: | 54.74% (G:17.24% B:1.05%) 45.26% (G:13.91% B:0.72%) | Conf.: ±0.0028 (+0.1955...+0.2010) - [98.4%] |
2. | Book1 | 24/22(2) 6/4(2) | eq: +0.1941 (-0.0042) |
| Player: Opponent: | 54.35% (G:15.37% B:0.73%) 45.65% (G:11.19% B:0.45%) | Conf.: ±0.0026 (+0.1915...+0.1968) - [1.6%] |
3. | Book2 | 24/20(2) | eq: +0.1838 (-0.0145) |
| Player: Opponent: | 54.00% (G:13.35% B:0.49%) 46.00% (G:8.75% B:0.33%) | Conf.: ±0.0051 (+0.1788...+0.1889) - [0.0%] |
4. | Book3 | 24/22 13/11 6/4(2) | eq: +0.1589 (-0.0394) |
| Player: Opponent: | 54.01% (G:16.40% B:0.97%) 45.99% (G:14.00% B:0.64%) | Conf.: ±0.0048 (+0.1542...+0.1637) - [0.0%] |
5. | Book4 | 13/9 6/4(2) | eq: +0.1464 (-0.0519) |
| Player: Opponent: | 53.35% (G:17.43% B:1.09%) 46.65% (G:14.36% B:0.81%) | Conf.: ±0.0074 (+0.1390...+0.1538) - [0.0%] |
6. | Book5 | 24/18 13/11 | eq: -0.1548 (-0.3531) |
| Player: Opponent: | 47.07% (G:12.99% B:0.77%) 52.93% (G:18.24% B:0.86%) | Conf.: ±0.0041 (-0.1589...-0.1507) - [0.0%] |
7. | Book5 | 24/16 | eq: -0.1850 (-0.3833) |
| Player: Opponent: | 46.27% (G:11.86% B:0.65%) 53.73% (G:17.76% B:0.73%) | Conf.: ±0.0040 (-0.1891...-0.1810) - [0.0%] |
1 Generated by Miran Tuhtan on 4/2/2013 using eXtreme Gammon 2.10 46656 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 1 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
2 Generated by Miran Tuhtan on 4/2/2013 using eXtreme Gammon 2.10 10368 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 1 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
3 Generated by David Rockwell on 6/12/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 15552 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 98644222 Moves and cube decisions: 3-ply
4 Generated by GameSite 2000, Ltd on 2/26/2011 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 10368 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 77390818 Moves: 2-ply, cube decisions: 3-ply Red
5 Generated by David Rockwell on 4/8/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 20736 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 78709853 Moves and cube decisions: 3-ply