1. | Book1 | 24/21 13/11 | eq: +0.0552 |
| Player: Opponent: | 50.07% (G:14.20% B:1.41%) 49.93% (G:13.86% B:0.72%) | Conf.: ±0.0022 (+0.0530...+0.0574) - [100.0%] |
2. | Book1 | 13/11 13/10 | eq: +0.0473 (-0.0079) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.66% (G:15.59% B:1.50%) 50.34% (G:14.55% B:0.93%) | Conf.: ±0.0022 (+0.0451...+0.0495) - [0.0%] |
3. | Book1 | 24/22 13/10 | eq: +0.0426 (-0.0125) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.75% (G:14.09% B:1.26%) 50.25% (G:13.81% B:0.67%) | Conf.: ±0.0021 (+0.0406...+0.0447) - [0.0%] |
4. | Book2 | 24/22 24/21 | eq: +0.0076 (-0.0476) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.27% (G:12.80% B:1.20%) 50.73% (G:14.08% B:0.58%) | Conf.: ±0.0042 (+0.0034...+0.0118) - [0.0%] |
5. | Book3 | 13/11 8/5 | eq: +0.0046 (-0.0506) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.00% (G:14.87% B:1.26%) 51.00% (G:15.27% B:1.02%) | Conf.: ±0.0055 (-0.0009...+0.0101) - [0.0%] |
6. | Book3 | 13/10 6/4 | eq: +0.0030 (-0.0522) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.02% (G:14.49% B:1.20%) 50.98% (G:15.10% B:1.09%) | Conf.: ±0.0054 (-0.0024...+0.0083) - [0.0%] |
7. | Book3 | 13/8 | eq: -0.0213 (-0.0765) |
| Player: Opponent: | 48.71% (G:14.14% B:1.27%) 51.29% (G:15.08% B:0.75%) | Conf.: ±0.0050 (-0.0263...-0.0162) - [0.0%] |
1 Generated by Steven Carey on 8/10/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 93312 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 1 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
2 Generated by Steven Carey on 8/10/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.00 23328 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 1 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
3 Generated by Steven Carey on 8/10/2012 using eXtreme Gammon 2.10 15552 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 75804804 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller